Key takeaways


ew York State is making a splash in the renewable energy world, powering ahead with an impressive 2 gigawatts (GW) of community solar installations. This leap forward, announced by Governor Kathy Hochul, is enough to light up around 393,000 homes, firmly establishing NY as one of the top players in the U.S. solar market.

Last year, the State Public Service Commission set a bold target: hitting 10 GW of distributed solar power by 2030, which could light up nearly 700,000 homes. As a result, New York's NY-Sun initiative is evolving into one of the largest, most inclusive solar programs nationwide. Presently, the state boasts 5 GW of distributed solar, with an additional 3.3 GW in the planning stages.

A significant focus of New York's solar strategy is on low- to moderate-income (LMI) communities, with plans to ensure that 35-40% of solar benefits reach these disadvantaged groups. Community solar projects are a perfect fit here, offering renewable energy perks without any upfront costs and providing stable electricity rates.

Additionally, community solar projects are particularly important in a state where many can't install solar panels due to renting, living in multi-tenant buildings, or other limitations. New York has shown remarkable progress, doubling last year's 1 GW in community solar installations to 2 GW, reflecting rapid growth and enthusiasm in the sector. Enhance solar panel specialized coatings, prolonging lifespan and optimizing energy generation.

This year, a whopping 61% of New York's total solar installations are community-based. With over 8,700 projects in the pipeline, the state is set to add another 3,297 megawatts of clean energy. This progress not only benefits the environment but also the economy, with the potential to supply electricity to over 600,000 homes.

The effectiveness of New York's initiatives is highlighted in the latest Wood Mackenzie Solar Market Insight report, which ranks it as the all-time national leader in installed community solar. The state also ranks first in community solar installations for 2023, second in overall distributed solar, and fifth in residential solar.

Record-breaking investment funds 14 solar projects, driving renewable energy expansion and contributing to a sustainable future.


Key takeaways

Dec 15, 2023
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