Key takeaways


alifornia, home to majestic landscapes and renowned for its sunny climate, has shown its leadership role within the renewable energy industry, specifically solar power. CA is distinguished for being at the forefront of the nation's green revolution, leading the way for other states to follow. While the prospect of going solar can seem overwhelming, this article will guide you through the process by explaining everything you need to know about solar companies in California.

Current Clean Energy Situation

The California solar situation is nothing short of spectacular. With over 40 GW of solar capacity, it outshines every other state. California’s success is fueled by an average of 5.5 sun hours per day, creating a prime location for PV panel installations. Moreover, the state's commitment to reaching 100% clean energy by 2045 has prompted more and more businesses to make California their home.

California's solar potential is reflected in its pricing trends too. PV system costs have declined significantly throughout recent years due to technological advancements, making CA installations more affordable than ever before at around $2.95 per watt. This trend, coupled with the high CA electricity prices, makes solar an attractive investment for homeowners and businesses alike.

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Best Solar Companies in California


SunPower, a CA veteran in the solar industry, is known for its high-efficiency panels and superior customer satisfaction. The San Jose-based company has been setting industry standards for over three decades. SunPower panels boast efficiency ratings ranging from 20.9% to 22.8%, among the highest in the market.

While SunPower's costs might be slightly higher than other CA installers, their extensive 25-year service, product, and production guarantees ensure that customers are investing in a quality product that will stand the test of time. Their offering extends beyond solar panels to include backup battery installation and EV charger installation.

NRG Clean Power

NRG Clean Power sets itself apart by providing total home performance services, going beyond mere solar panel installations in CA. With over 9,000 installations to their credit, NRG Clean Power specializes in services throughout California and Texas.

Offering accessible prices, a wide array of products, and flexible financing options, NRG is well-regarded throughout California. Their 40-year workmanship warranty adds an extra layer of comfort for homeowners, making them a preferred choice for many CA residents.

Stellar Solar

Stellar Solar, exclusively local to California, was voted San Diego's best solar provider in 2021. Their consultative approach and exceptional customer reviews have earned them a reputation as one of the most reliable CA solar companies.

Stellar Solar offers both rooftop and ground-mounted arrays, energy storage solutions, and a variety of financing options. Despite only operating in Southern California, they provide personal and local care to their customers, making them a top choice for many residents.

ADT Solar

ADT Solar, known for its 25-year warranty and high-quality panels, prioritizes customer protection. Although there are occasional concerns about post-installation customer service, this CA company is still recognized for providing a quick, simple, and effective solar solution that lasts at least 25 years.


Momentum stands out by offering customer assistance with solar incentives and rebate enrollment. With its partnership with Enphase, customers receive complimentary solar battery monitoring. Momentum has also been recognized by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners, further solidifying its reputation as a top-tier California solar company.

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Guide on How to Choose the Best PV Company

Evaluate Expertise and Experience

Expertise and experience are essential indicators of a solar company's reliability and quality of service in California. A company with substantial experience within the industry likely has navigated various challenges and gained valuable knowledge. They may provide comprehensive solutions and technical support for complex solar projects. Inquire about their years of operation, projects completed, and their areas of specialization.

Check Certifications and Licenses

Reputable CA businesses should hold valid certifications and licenses. This not only shows their dedication to professionalism but also ensures they follow the latest industry standards. Solar installers in California should ideally have a license from the California State Licensing Board and certification from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners. The NABCEP certification ensures that solar professionals are trained and adhere to best practices according to solar energy industry standards.

Research Reviews and Testimonials

Reviews and testimonials provide a first-hand account of a company's performance and customer service in California. Check multiple sources, like Better Business Bureau, Yelp, Google reviews, and the official website. Look for recurring themes like timely installation, quality of service, panel performance, and how the company handled complaints.

Assess the Quality of Products and Services

Quality solar panels contribute significantly to the system’s efficiency, durability, and overall performance. Top solar installers in California often partner with reputable manufacturers. Also, check if the CA company provides end-to-end services, including initial consultation, design, installation, monitoring, and maintenance.

Tips to Lower Solar Panel System Prices

Purchase Instead of Lease

Buying a solar panel system can offer significant long-term savings, even if it requires a higher upfront investment. When you purchase, you also become eligible for various tax benefits and incentives that aren't typically available for leased systems.

Take Advantage of Incentives and Rebates

Incentives and rebates can significantly reduce the cost of your solar system. Make sure to research what is available for you specifically.

Opt for a System that Suits Your Energy Needs

Energy-efficient solar systems tailored to your specific energy needs can save you money. CA solar installers should conduct a thorough energy usage analysis, taking into account factors like your average electricity usage, peak usage hours, and the size and orientation of your roof.

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Should You Save on Installation Fees?

DIY installation of solar panels
Source: DIY or Go Pro? Navigating the Solar Panel Installation Dilemma

DIY installation could be an option for those with a strong background in electrical work, construction, or engineering. To successfully perform a DIY solar panel installation, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of electrical systems, the ability to perform physical labor like lifting heavy panels and climbing roofs, and knowledge of your local electrical codes and regulations.


The main advantage of DIY installation is cost savings. By installing the solar panels yourself, you could save up to 50% of your total costs, which would otherwise go towards labor and professional installation fees. Apart from financial savings, DIY installation also offers a sense of accomplishment and full control over your project.


Despite the potential cost savings, DIY installations come with a significant set of downsides. Safety is a major concern, as working with electricity and heights can be hazardous without proper training and equipment.

Additionally, many California solar panel warranties and state or federal incentives require professional installation. A poorly installed PV panel system may not only be less efficient, potentially negating the cost savings but can also risk damage to your home or the system itself.

Furthermore, professionals are adept at designing systems that maximize efficiency based on factors like panel placement and angle, aspects that a DIY installer may not fully consider.

Exploring Available Incentives and Rebates in the State

Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit

This program offers a tax credit for solar panel systems on residential and commercial properties. The tax credit equals 30% of the cost of the system.

Net Metering Changes

Net metering allows solar system homeowners to receive credits for the excess energy they feed back into the grid. While the actual value varies from state to state, CA has suffered drastic changes this year. The credit value has been slashed by 75%, and therefore, this is not a profitable option anymore for homeowners in California.

Single-Family Affordable Solar Homes Program

This program provides upfront rebates to low-income CA homeowners to help offset the costs of installing solar panels. Occasionally, these rebates can cover the entire cost of the solar system.

Local Rebates

California authorities and utility companies offer rebates for PV installations. These can vary by location and can significantly reduce the net cost of your solar panel system. Always check with your city or county to learn about potential local incentives.

Embrace the solar revolution in the Bay State with our comprehensive guide to Solar Installers in Massachusetts. Massachusetts stands at the forefront of renewable energy adoption, boasting a dynamic solar market fueled by progressive policies and robust incentives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is solar worth it in California?

A: Given California's abundant sunshine and high electricity rates, solar is definitely a worthwhile investment. The higher power bills are equal to more savings and a shorter payback period, and higher ROI. Additionally, thanks to the sunny climate, the systems are generally smaller since more energy is produced with a smaller number of panels.

Q: Are there any taxes associated with owning a solar installation?

A: Until the end of the 2024 fiscal year, owning a residential PV system in CA does not increase property taxes. The situation is unlikely to change due to the ambitious clean energy targets and motivation to promote solar energy in CA. Regardless, be sure to check for up-to-date information each year.

Q: What is the CA solar limit?

A: California doesn't limit the size of your solar panel system, but larger systems may require additional permitting fees.

Q: Can I take my solar panels with me if I move?

A: While you technically can take your PV panels with you, it's often not practical due to the cost and complexity of uninstalling and reinstalling the system. It's generally more beneficial to sell the home with the panels installed, as they can increase the property's value.

Q: Can you get free solar panels?

A: Not exactly. While there are various financing options that support low-income households, most of the time, they’re heavily discounted, not free. For those that do not fall into the aforementioned group, it is highly advised to explore available California incentives and grants as they can also significantly lower the upfront expenses.

Discover the vibrant solar energy landscape of Orange County with our comprehensive guide to Solar Installation in Orange County. While our focus is on Orange County, California, our insights extend beyond regional boundaries, offering valuable perspectives on solar deployment strategies and market dynamics.

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Final Thoughts

California's solar industry continues to thrive, offering residents ample opportunities to invest in renewable energy. Whether you're a homeowner looking to reduce your energy bills or a business aiming to achieve sustainability goals, there's a California solar company ready to help you harness the state's abundant sunshine. Always consider your needs, do your research, and compare options to ensure you're getting the best solution for your unique situation. Embark on a journey through the flourishing solar scene in Austin, Texas, with our comprehensive guide to Solar Installation in Austin.

Stay ahead of the curve with our comprehensive analysis of the solar industry's growth outlook for 2024 in Solar Industry Growth Expected to Slow in 2024. While the solar sector has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, experts predict a deceleration in growth rates moving forward.

Key takeaways

California Solar Power Dominance: California leads the U.S. solar revolution with over 40 GW of solar capacity, fueled by 5.5 sun hours/day. The state's commitment to 100% clean energy by 2045 attracts businesses, making solar installations more affordable at around $2.95 per watt.

Top Solar Companies: Notable California solar providers include SunPower, known for high-efficiency panels; NRG Clean Power with total home performance services; Stellar Solar, voted San Diego's best in 2021; ADT Solar with a 25-year warranty; and Momentum, offering solar incentives assistance.

Choosing the Best PV Company: Consider expertise, certifications, reviews, and product quality. Assess your energy needs and explore incentives to lower costs. Purchasing instead of leasing and opting for a system tailored to your needs can maximize long-term savings.

DIY Installation Considerations: While DIY installation may save costs, safety concerns, warranty requirements, and potential efficiency loss should be weighed. Professionals optimize system efficiency and ensure compliance with regulations.

California Incentives: Explore incentives like the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit, changes in net metering, the Single-Family Affordable Solar Homes Program, and local rebates to maximize savings.

FAQs: Answers to common questions, including the worth of solar in California, tax implications, system limits, portability when moving, and possibilities of free solar panels.

Final Thoughts: California's solar industry offers a pathway to a cleaner, greener future. Whether a homeowner or business, researching, comparing options, and understanding unique needs are crucial for making the best solar investment.

Jul 23, 2023
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