Key takeaways


olar energy, a clean and renewable energy source, is making waves across the globe. As technology advances, the push towards sustainable energy solutions has gained momentum, and solar energy has become a vital part of this movement. However, the adoption and development of solar energy can vary widely across different regions. In the state of Utah, solar energy has yet to reach its full potential. So, what is the situation in Utah? In this article, we will explore the current solar state, examining costs, incentives, common mistakes, and much more, to provide a comprehensive view of the solar landscape in this unique state.

Solar Energy in Utah: An Overview

The state of Utah has made substantial progress in the solar energy field, which is becoming an increasingly essential part of its energy mix.

Current Energy Mix

With solar installed capacity reaching 2,808MW, the state’s electricity from photovoltaics constitutes 11.25% of its total energy generation. That's enough power to support approximately 501,597 homes through solar energy.

The Growing Role of Photovoltaics in the State's Energy Generation

Solar has become more than a trend in Utah. It is a growing source of energy that is playing a significant role in the state's energy generation, contributing to both residential and commercial sectors. From almost no photovoltaic power installed just a decade ago to close to 3GW of power in 2023, it does show that the state is putting efforts into getting closer to clean energy generation.

Solar Potential: Sun Hours, Climate, and Suitability

Solar Irradiance and Sun Hours

Utah enjoys an average of 5.26 peak sun hours per day. This figure, while slightly lower than California's 5.38 hours (the leading PV state), makes Utah an ideal location for photovoltaic system installation. Why? Thanks to the abundance of sunlight, residents can install smaller systems and have a similar power generation when compared to bigger systems in more cloudy climates – more power for a smaller initial investment.

Discussion of Utah's Climate Conditions

Utah's climate is not just about sun hours. Other factors contribute to the state's solar viability. Its unique combination of altitude, temperature, and weather conditions present an optimal environment for solar power generation. These factors allow PV systems in Utah to thrive.

Addressing Misconceptions About Solar

Many misconceptions persist about solar energy's feasibility in varying climates. However, PV panels are not merely dependent on intense sun exposure. They can operate efficiently in various weather conditions, and Utah's climate is more than suitable for PV energy generation. That means that even during the winter when there’s usually less sunlight available, the panels are able to produce power.

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Impact on the Environment

Everyone knows that clean energy sources are better than traditional fuels, but does anyone actually know how they perform when it comes to carbon emissions? Compared to natural gas, which produces 490 grams per kWh, and coal, generating 820 grams per kWh, PV modules emit only 42 grams per kWh. The result? The carbon footprint of rooftop PV modules is roughly 12 times less than natural gas and 20 times less than coal. This significant reduction in emissions translates to cleaner air and a more sustainable future for the state.

Exploring Solar Panels in Utah: Residential System Costs

Understanding the costs and potential savings associated with solar energy is vital for any prospective buyer. This section breaks down the various factors that affect pricing and the overall affordability of photovoltaics in Utah.

What Factors Decide the Price

Type of Modules: There are mainly three types of PV panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film panels.

  1. Monocrystalline: These are the most expensive and efficient, made from a single crystal structure.
  2. Polycrystalline: Less expensive and slightly less efficient than monocrystalline.
  3. Thin-Film: Usually have lower efficiencies but can reach up to 18% and are highly flexible. They are ideal for certain situations, such as curved roofs.

The Size of Your System: The overall cost depends on how many watts you need. More extensive systems will be more expensive.

Additional Costs: Costs can increase due to roof works, difficult mounting, wiring, or other specific needs of the installation site.

Overall Costs and Changes Over Time

PV systems in Utah cost an average of $2.65 per watt, which is lower than the national average of $2.95 per watt. Over the past decade, prices have fallen by 54%, making PV systems an increasingly affordable option. At the moment, a 6kW system will cost about $16,000.

Slashin Costs: Financial Incentives

Gladly, solar is becoming more and more affordable thanks to various incentives being offered by the government directed towards motivating people to switch to clean energy. Let’s explore some of them.

Federal Investment Tax Credit

The Federal Investment Tax Credit allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of your PV system from your federal taxes. It is available for both residential and commercial systems and requires the systems to be new (not used) and compliant with applicable fire and electrical code requirements.

Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credit

Utah's state government offers credit towards next year's income taxes of 25% of the total equipment and installation costs, up to $800.

Net Metering in Utah

Infographic: How Net Metering Works
How Net Metering Works

With net metering, excess energy is sold back to the grid, and you receive credit for your electric bill. This credit can be used when the panels don't generate enough power, allowing you to offset or reduce your energy bills.

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Is Solar Worth it in Utah?

Savings Over 25 Years

With the average national household consumption of 800 kWh per month and an average electricity price of 12 cents per kWh, yearly savings would be equal to about $1,150. Over the system's 25-year lifespan, the total savings could amount to about $28,000, assuming the system covers all your energy needs.

Payback Period

This term refers to how long it takes to recoup the initial investment. In Utah, the average payback period is about 10 years, though various factors can affect this time frame. If we get back to the average electricity consumption, a 5kW system would generally be enough to cover all your needs. That means, our $9,275 (with the ITC applied) would pay for itself within around 8 years.

Return on Investment

The Return on Investment (ROI) calculates the profitability of the investment. For a 6kW system in Utah, considering the average costs and the data mentioned, the ROI can be calculated by taking into account the total savings over 25 years, the initial cost, and the financial incentives available. It would be equal to around 170%, however highly varies.

Solar Acquisition Process on a Timeline: Guide

Understanding the PV system acquisition process in Utah can be vital for those considering making the switch to renewable energy. Here's a step-by-step guide to shed light on the entire process, ensuring you know what to expect from start to finish.

Initial Consultation and Assessment

Time: 1 Week

  1. Contact a PV Provider: Reach out to local installation companies to discuss your energy needs.
  2. Provide Energy Bills: Share recent energy bills to help the provider understand your energy consumption patterns.
  3. Receive Preliminary Assessment: Based on the initial conversation and information, receive a rough estimate and feasibility study.

Site Visit and Analysis

Time: 1 Week

  1. Schedule a Site Visit: Arrange for a physical inspection of your property.
  2. Detailed Analysis: The provider will conduct a detailed analysis, including roof condition, sun exposure, shading, and space availability.

Choosing the Right Solar Module and System Size

Time: 2-3 Weeks

  1. Review Options: Understand the differences between monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film panels, choosing the one that fits your budget and space constraints.
  2. Determine System Size: Decide on the appropriate system size based on your energy consumption and goals.
  3. System Design Proposal: Receive a tailored proposal with the system size, costs, potential energy savings, and payback period.

Financial Options and Incentives

Time: 2-3 Weeks

  1. Explore Financing Options: Assess available financing options such as loans, leases, or Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).
  2. Apply for Incentives: Investigate and apply for federal, state, and local incentives, including the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), to reduce costs.

Permitting and Legal Requirements

Time: 2-7 Weeks

  1. Apply for Permits: Your solar provider will usually handle the required local permits, including building and electrical permits.
  2. Interconnection Agreement: An agreement with the local utility must be completed to allow connection to the grid.
  3. Compliance Check: Ensure compliance with local zoning regulations, homeowner association rules, and other relevant legal considerations.

Installation and Inspection

Time: 1-2 Weeks

  1. Schedule Installation: Set a date for installation based on the provider's availability.
  2. System Installation: Experienced technicians will install the modules, inverters, and other necessary components. The actual installation process takes from a couple of hours to a couple of days.
  3. Final Inspection: A local authority or third-party inspector will confirm that the installation complies with local codes and regulations.

Connection and Activation

Time: 2-6 Weeks

  1. Utility Connection: The system is connected to the local utility grid.
  2. System Activation: Your PV provider will activate the system, enabling it to produce energy.
  3. Monitoring Setup: If applicable, set up a monitoring system to track the performance and efficiency of your system.

How Long Does it Take: Final Numbers

Depending on the installation complexity, your area of residence and other factors, it might take anywhere from two months to as long as six months to complete the installation from A to Z. Sometimes, it’s about luck, sometimes it’s connected to proper planning. The best way to speed things up to to prepare all the paperwork before the actual installation – this way you won’t have to wait for months to get your system approved.

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Mistakes to Avoid When Going Solar in Utah

Oversizing Your System

Oversizing your system can lead to inefficiency and unnecessary expenses. A system that's too large for your needs will not only cost more upfront but might also lead to wasted energy. Understanding your actual energy consumption and consulting with a professional can help you choose the right size. By selecting a system tailored to your needs, you avoid overpaying and promote efficient energy use.

Ignoring Local Incentives

Ignoring local incentives and rebates is a missed opportunity to reduce costs. Many local governments and utility companies offer incentives that can significantly offset the initial costs of PV installation. Researching and taking advantage of these incentives ensures you get the most value out of your solar investment.

Not Getting Multiple Quotes and Settling for One Company

Settling for one quote without shopping around can lead to higher costs and less suitable solutions. Different companies offer various pricing options, technologies breakthrough, and services. Getting multiple quotes and comparing them helps you understand the market and find the best fit for your needs, saving both money and ensuring that the system meets your expectations.

Failing to Ask All the Questions

Failing to ask comprehensive questions can lead to misunderstandings and unmet expectations. It's essential to clarify every aspect of the solar system, from installation, maintenance, warranties, and any hidden costs. Asking the right questions ensures that you are well-informed and helps avoid unpleasant surprises down the road.

Lack of Maintenance Planning

Neglecting ongoing maintenance and monitoring can hinder the system's performance over time. Regular inspections and maintenance keep the system running optimally and prolong its lifespan. Understanding the required maintenance and planning accordingly ensures a long-lasting and efficient solar system.

Overlooking Warranty and Financing Options

Overlooking warranty terms and various financing options can impact the overall value of the solar project. Understanding the warranty details and exploring different financing options tailored to your financial situation can make your investment more reasonable and secure.

Understanding the Importance of After-Sales Support

After-sales support is vital for ongoing satisfaction with your solar system. Poor after-sales service can lead to unresolved issues and dissatisfaction. Ensuring that the provider offers robust after-sales support helps with any future concerns, maintenance, or repairs, enhancing the overall experience and efficiency of the solar system.

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How to Choose the Best Company?

So, how do you choose the right solar company? It's not just about the product but the entire experience from consultation to installation and after-sales service. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you make the right decision:

Assess Your Needs

Understand what you need when it comes to energy consumption, system size, and your preferences for panel types. Having clarity about your needs will guide you in choosing a company that specializes in those areas.

Investigate Company Reputation

Look into the company's track record, customer reviews, and industry reputation. Researching online or asking for references from previous clients can provide insights into the company's credibility.

Compare Prices and Financing Options

Different companies may offer various pricing and financing options. Consider your budget and financial preferences, and compare offers from different companies to find the best deal.

Evaluate Warranties and Guarantees

Check the warranties and guarantees provided by the company. Longer warranties and performance guarantees add value and security to your investment.

Consider Local Expertise

Local companies often have better insights into local policies, incentives, and weather conditions. Their expertise in local circumstances can be beneficial for tailored solutions.

Analyze After-sales Service

Consider the company's support and service after the installation. Prompt customer service and regular maintenance can ensure the system's longevity and efficiency.

Examine Customization Options

If you desire a system tailored to your unique energy needs, check if the company offers customization options such as various inverters, racks, and batteries.

Our Picks: Top Companies in Utah

SunPower: Best Performance

SunPower is renowned for its best-in-class performance in the solar industry. With a manufacturer's assurance that includes a 25-year complete-system warranty, they stand out in terms of reliability. Their high-efficiency PV modules are engineered to endure, with guarantees that the system won't lose more than 8% efficiency over a 25-year lifespan. This is in stark contrast to other systems, which can lose between 10 to 20% of their effectiveness. SunPower’s commitment to quality makes them a preferred choice for those seeking long-lasting efficiency.

Blue Raven Solar: Flexible Financing Options

Blue Raven Solar emphasizes customer-centric financing solutions, catering to various financial preferences. Whether you prefer up-front purchases or loans, Blue Raven has something to offer. Their unique in-house financing program, BluePower Plus+, offers 18 months of free solar energy, making the transition to solar more affordable. Moreover, their SmartStart program's low monthly payment for five years, combined with excellent customer reviews, positions Blue Raven Solar as the best choice for those seeking versatile financing options.

Tesla: Excellent Storage and EV Charging

Tesla is synonymous with innovation, and their solar solutions are no exception. With top-of-the-line Powerwall batteries, they offer cutting-edge storage solutions for your solar energy needs. Their 25-year warranty, although only guaranteeing 80% of the panels' performance, still provides a level of assurance. For those concerned with aesthetics, Tesla's solar roof is an attractive option that integrates PV modules directly into the roof's design without compromising functionality.

ES Solar: The Local Expert

ES Solar's strong suit lies in their deep understanding of the local policies and environment in Utah. With more than 20 years of experience installing PV systems in the region, they offer a lifetime workmanship warranty, reflecting their confidence in the quality of their work. Their outstanding customer service ensures that clients receive prompt and effective support, solidifying ES Solar as the go-to local expert.

Mynt Solar: Customization at Its Best

Mynt Solar stands out for its ability to provide system customization tailored to individual energy needs. Their representatives are not only experts on local policies but also adept at designing the perfect system with a variety of solar batteries, inverters, racks, and EV chargers available. With speedy and efficient installations, Mynt Solar ensures that their solutions fit your specific requirements, making them the top choice for customized solar systems.

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How to Make the Most of Your Solar Panels in Utah?

Making the most of your solar energy system requires a combination of choosing the right components, enhancing your home's energy efficiency, and maintaining the system. Here's how you can optimize your solar investment:

Consider a Battery

Adding a battery to your solar system allows you to store excess energy for use when the sun isn't shining. This could be particularly beneficial for those who experience frequent power outages or live in areas with inconsistent energy supply. However, the decision to add a battery should be carefully considered, as it adds to the overall cost. If you can rely on net metering and your grid supply is consistent, a battery may not be necessary.


Microinverters convert the DC power from each module into AC power. By doing this at the individual panel level, they can improve the performance of the entire system, especially if some panels are shaded or facing in different directions. While they may add to the initial cost, microinverters can boost efficiency and are worth considering, especially in larger installations or in areas with variable shading.

Upgrade Your Home

Using energy-efficient appliances and implementing energy-saving practices can further increase the savings from your solar system. Consider replacing older appliances with Energy Star-rated ones, insulating your home properly, and using smart thermostats to control heating and cooling. These upgrades work in tandem with your solar system to maximize energy utilization and reduce your overall electricity bill.

Regular Maintenance

Like any investment, regular maintenance of your system is crucial. This includes cleaning the panels to remove dust and debris that can reduce efficiency, and periodic inspections to catch and address any issues before they become costly problems. Some providers offer maintenance services, or you can do it yourself with proper guidance. Either way, consistent upkeep ensures that your system performs optimally throughout its lifespan.

The Future of Solar: Utah Clean Energy Goals, Challenges and Solutions

Utah has set ambitious goals to power the community with net-100% renewable electricity and reduce energy-related community carbon emissions by 80% by 2040. These targets align with global efforts to mitigate climate change and signify Utah's commitment to a cleaner future.

Despite its suitable conditions, Utah lags behind other states when it comes to clean energy adoption. This can be attributed to regulatory hurdles, limited incentives, and a lack of public awareness and education about solar benefits. These challenges hinder growth and deter potential solar users.

Overcoming these challenges requires a concerted effort from government, industry, and community. This includes policy reform to foster a conducive environment for solar, public-private partnerships to finance solar projects, and public awareness campaigns to educate and motivate potential users. Collaboration and innovation can unlock Utah's solar potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the lifespan of solar panels in Utah?

A: PV panels typically last between 25 to 30 years. This lifespan can vary based on the quality of the panels and maintenance practices. Utah's sunny climate is generally favorable for PV modules, but regular inspections and care are still essential to maximize their life.

Q: Can I get solar panels in Utah for free?

A: Unfortunately, you cannot get PV modules for free, but there are numerous incentives, rebates, and financial programs to help reduce the cost. Besides that, you can get a “free” PV system through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) where the company installs and maintains the system while you purchase the power it produces. Keep in mind that you do NOT own the actual power setup so it’s not the same as getting free solar equipment.

Q: Can you go off-grid with solar panels in Utah?

A: Yes, you can go off-grid, but it requires a well-designed system including enough battery storage to supply energy when the sun isn't shining. Going off-grid is a complex process and should be undertaken with professional guidance to ensure all energy needs are met.

Q: Can I buy and install PV panels on my own?

A: While you can buy the equipment and attempt to install everything yourself, it's generally recommended to work with a licensed solar installer. DIY installation might save money upfront but can lead to complications, lower efficiency, and potential safety risks. Besides, many incentives require the system to be installed by a certified institution.

Q: What happens to my panels after the warranty?

A: After the warranty expires, you are responsible for any repairs or replacements. PV modules often continue to function beyond their warranty period, albeit at a slightly reduced efficiency. Regular maintenance can extend the life of the panels, and if problems arise, local solar companies can usually provide the necessary services.

Q: How many panels does it take to power a house?

A: The number of panels required to power a house depends on your energy consumption, the type of panels, and the amount of sunlight in your location. On average, a typical American home might need around 20 to 30 units. In Utah, where sun exposure is higher, you might need fewer panels for the same energy output.

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Still have questions? Watch this video to know more about solar in Utah

Final Thoughts on Solar Panels in Utah

Solar energy in Utah presents a promising but underutilized opportunity. By understanding the costs and savings, leveraging financial incentives, selecting the right company, and optimizing the system, you can reap substantial benefits. While it's not the quickest process, the long-term savings make it well worth the wait. The system not only pays for itself but provides virtually free electricity for many years to come. Solar systems and Utah truly go better together than peanut butter and jelly. And hey, who wouldn't want to show off their shiny planet-friendly solar panels to the world?


Key takeaways

Utah's Solar Landscape: Utah embraces solar energy with 2,808MW capacity, contributing to 11.25% of total energy, powering around 501,597 homes.

Solar Potential: Utah provides an ideal environment for photovoltaic systems with 5.26 peak sun hours/day, offering efficient, smaller systems for a smaller initial investment.

Costs and Incentives: Average PV system cost is $2.65/watt, with prices falling by 54% over a decade. Financial incentives like the Federal Tax Credit and Utah's Tax Credit contribute to affordability.

Financial Benefits: Savings over 25 years can reach $28,000, with a payback period of around 10 years, showcasing long-term financial benefits.

Acquisition Process: Involves consultation, site visit, component selection, financial exploration, permitting, installation, and connection, with a timeline ranging from two to six months.

Avoiding Mistakes: Potential adopters should avoid oversizing, ignoring local incentives, settling for a single company, and overlooking maintenance. Comprehensive research is crucial.

Choosing the Right Company: Involves assessing needs, investigating reputation, comparing prices, evaluating warranties, considering local expertise, analyzing after-sales service, and examining customization options.

Optimizing Solar Panels: Residents can consider adding batteries, using microinverters, upgrading homes, and ensuring regular maintenance to maximize investment.

Utah's Clean Energy Goals: Aims for net-100% renewable electricity and an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2040. Challenges like regulatory hurdles and limited incentives need addressing.

Final Thoughts: The article concludes with the promising future of solar in Utah, highlighting long-term savings, and the state's harmonious relationship with solar energy.

Sep 5, 2023
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